You may return your item for a refund or exchange within 30 days of the delivery date. Product must be purchased from SMARTLINER-USA (KRAMER AMERICA, Inc.). If you purchased from an authorized seller of our product please contact them for your return or exchange. Purchaser is responsible for all shipping charges for return and exchanges not attributed to warranted defects or mis-shipment on the part of KRAMER AMERICA, Inc.
Before returning the product, you must contact us so we may provide you with a return authorization number (RA#).If you return your item without the RA#, your refund or exchange will NOT be processed.We will also provide you with a return address and packaging instructions for the return. Items must be returned in new and unused condition in their original packaging and include the return form. Returns without the return form, RA# or items that are returned damaged because of improper/careless shipping or packing will be rejected. We reserve the right to deny a full refund of the purchase price if the product is not returned in new or unused condition. If you are returning the item because it was damaged in transit, we will gladly exchange the product or give a full refund as long we are notified within 48hrs after delivery. If you have received an incorrect item or purchased the wrong item please contact us.